Mangosteen, Acia Berry, Noni, Pomegranate – The Ascendancy Of Functional Health Beverages

Worldwide, the beverage market is huge overall, yet highly segmented. In

the soda segment alone, 84.5 litres (or 22.3 gallons) average per person

are consumed globally every year. The earth’s human population is about 6. billion.

Major beverage areas include alcohol, beer, canned water, coffee

and tea, juices, milk and dairy, nutraceuticals, sodas, spirits, dietary,

wine, in addition to overall health.

Underneath overall health, there’s a sub-segment– functional health

beverages. Included in this are products produced from mangosteen, acia berry, noni,

and pomegranate-regional fruits used for centuries by residents

underneath the guidance of the native doctors.

These fruits happen to be used internally and topically. Local experience and folklore

have generated claims of numerous, almost magical, healing forces of these


As these are fruits and can’t be patented, no enterprise would like to complete double

blind studies to understand when the effectiveness of those fruits is statistically significant and

exceeds the strength of synthetic drugs for the similar healing purpose.

Acia Berries, well considered by Oprah and Julian Whitaker, M.D., are

based in the Amazon . com Rainforests. Claims are created The acai berry is an excellent

energizer and kill cancer cells (a minimum of in laboratory testing).

Pomegranate is alleged to become a toxin scavenger, getting high Ascorbic Acid

content. This fruit has origins in Iran and Afghanistan, distributing towards the whole

Mediterranean Region.

Noni originates from the Off-shore Islands. One proponent described noni by doing this.

“Noni does not cure, it causes miracles.” Apparently, this means that noni has

a multiplicity of positive, astonishing uses.

Mangosteen originated from East Parts of asia. This fruit’s pericarp

has greater than 40 effective anti-oxidants named xanthones. This finding comes

from Asian college studies.